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Выражения времени

1903 байта добавлено, 23:53, 29 января 2015
Новая страница: «== Одновременность == {| class="wikitable" ! Конструкция !! Значение !! Пример |- |A時(に), B || When A, B. As a poi…»
== Одновременность ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Конструкция !! Значение !! Пример
|A時(に), B || When A, B. As a point of time, に emphasize the time ||
|A間、B || While A, B. A and B share approx. same interval. A-nonpast, B represents the time ||
|A間に、B || While A, B. B within the space of A. Unlike A間B, interval of A might be much larger. ||
|AうちにB || Whithin the time of A, not when A is noun, A - uncontrollable, no measurable interval ||
|A間際に || on the verge of A || カナリヤをどうしようかと考えたのは、部屋を出る間際にすぎなかった
|AながらB || while A, B. A and B are 2 actions and share the same subject, B is considered the main one ||
|AままB || A-state ||
|Aっぱなし,B || keep A-ing, leave ||
|Aて || ||
|Aないで || ||
|AずにB || While A, B. A is in te-form ||
|A, 同時にB || A and B simultaneously ||
|Aがてら,B || While A, B ||
|A中に || in the current of A, A - noun || 彼は食事中だ
|Aところだ || in place (with verbs) ||
|Aかたがた || while A ||
|Aついでに || B while A, take an opportunity to B ||
|一方 || at the same time ||
|A傍ら || while A, (A no ~) ||
|AやB || at the minute of A, B; A - Vu || ドアを開けるや彼女はさけんだんです
|ni atatte/atari || in the occasion of A ||
|につれ つれて || as X, then Y; по мере, того как ||
|きっかけに || ||
|A限りB || as long as A, B ||
|A以上は || As long as A, B ||
|A以内B || within A, B ||
|Vていろところ || about to A ||
|Aかけだ || about to A ||
|辛うじて || barely ||
|次第 || as sooon as ||
|そこで || when ||
|AにかぎってB || when A, B ||
|A際 || when, in case of A ||

== Последовательность ==