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808 байт добавлено, 20:06, 31 января 2015
Новая страница: « == いる == Smb or smth is doing smth or started some time ago. In a state created by an action he or it took some time ago. 佐々木さんは酒を飲んで…»

== いる ==

Smb or smth is doing smth or started some time ago.
In a state created by an action he or it took some time ago.


== ある ==

only with transitive verbs, related to Vte iru

== いく ==

Some action or state keeps changing from the point in time at which the speaker first describes the action これからは寒くなっていく

== くる ==

motion to the speaker, new event happened, the result is perceptable

== くれる ==

give to the speaker or whom he is associated with

== あげる ==

give to other, do completely

== もらう ==

passive, causative also

== みせる ==

be determined to

== こなす ==

do completely

== 染みる ==

to have a touch of; to look like
